
Runes can be applied to weapons. When a rune matches a weapon's elements their cost is reduced
NameElementCostFound AtBuy PriceDescription
PowerstrikePhysical2Mycelia15Greatly increases knockback of critical hits
Impact HitPhysical1Mycelia15There is 30%% chance any hit will slow the enemy
Super GuardPhysical1Vibrant VinesRightclicking right before getting hit will stun the enemy
LifeleechLunar2Wild WestDoubles health regeneration from killing
NearwarpLunar2Vibrant VinesTeleports enemies when struck with a critical hit
Soul DrainCursed3Wild WestCauses the user's health to drain when attacking
FireballFlame3Eversand DesertCreates a ball of flame when rightclicking
ShadebladeLunar2Vibrant VinesDeal 1.3x damage when in dark areas
Fire AspectFlame2Mycelia20Set victims on fire when they are below 60% HP
EmberFlame2Wild WestSets the blocks infront of you on fire
CombustFlame3Vibrant Vines"Gain fire resistence and speed, and set everything nearby on fire when you kill someone"
Hyper RayShimmer3Vibrant VinesShoots a beam of light when rightclicking
Skyward StrikeShimmer2Mycelia10Look straight up to charge up your weapon
Starlight StrikeShimmer1Wild WestJump up and crash down with an explosion
ColdheartFrost2Mycelia20Slows enemies down based on the amount of health they have left and slightly freezes them
ChillingFrost3Sculk20Greatly freezes enemies when attacking
FrostbreathFrost2Wild WestBreathe ice
BlitzfuryElectro3Eversand DesertShocks all nearby players when doing a critical hit
Sonic DestructionSculk8Sculk20"Rightclick to shoot a lazer that travels through walls, requires charged sculk shards to use"
LifelightShimmer3Mycelia15Rightclick to instantly heal 1 heart
Mending LightShimmer3Eversand DesertRightclick to instantly heal 2 hearts to everyone who has their flag placed near yours
BackdashFluidity2Mycelia15Rightclick to dash backwards
PowersurgeElectro3Mycelia15Deal shock damage when at full health
PokeFluidity3Mycelia20Get a little bit extra range when not spam clicking
HitcritPhysical3Mycelia15Always crit when clicking slowly
PinchPhysical1UnusedRightclick to damage yourself for 1 heart
SoulstrikeSculk3Sculk35Rightclick to strike a vertical lazer
ThunderboltElectro3Primordial GroveRightclick to strike down lightning 7 blocks infront of you
DynamoElectro3UnusedYour attack speed increases with each hit
ConstructTerra2Wild WestRightclick to summon a clay wall
PillarTerra2Primordial GroveRightclick to summon a clay pillar
ConsumeTerra2Molten MinesRightclick to consume nearby clay to heal
TidalwaveFluidity4Primordial GroveRightclick to summon a wave that will push players upwards
FlingFluidity2Molten MinesRightclick to fling
SonarFluidity3Primordial GroveRightclick to give everyone in the area glowing
SnipeshotFluidity3UnusedRightclick to charge and shoot a high speed projectile
FlowerpowerFlora1Primordial Grove"Rightclick on a flower to link, increasing defense"
PoisontippedFlora3Eversand DesertInflict poison
GroveblightFlora3Molten MinesRightclick to shoot a homing projectile
FlashbackLunar2Primordial GroveRightclick to flashback
DeepfreezeFrost4Molten MinesRightclick to blast strong ice
ArmorshatterPhysical3UnusedCritical hits temporary nullify armor defense
EnergytiltFlora3UnusedRightclick to gain speed for a few seconds
EarthmoleTerra3UnusedDig through blocks when looking straight up and rightclicking
FrostbiteFrost2UnusedDoubles damage on frozen enemies and unfreeze`s them